Thursday 19 June 2014

Term Two Meeting

The DRLC ECE Network Team met at Edney Primary School in Week Five of Term Two. We shared and discussed examples of 'warm up' activities used during Literacy Blocks. This proved to be a great opportunity for all to share examples of simple and effective instructional strategies.

Team members brought along planning resources used to teach our Literacy Blocks. Teachers found it useful to see the ways in which colleagues that teach the same year level integrate learning areas into the Literacy Block.

The DRLC Network utilises explicit instruction methods as a common teaching focus. Our meetings allow for teachers with a range of expertise to share their knowledge of explicit instruction. We use Kagan co-operative learning structures to share in a safe and supportive environment, encouraging all to participate.

It has been fabulous to have so many teachers attend the meetings so far this year. I look forward to seeing everyone at our Term Three meeting.